As part of KU’s research activities basic support system, this program offers support for research activities for talented researchers to smoothly return to research work from maternity and parental leave, to provide on-going training and support for female researchers in order to facilitate the diversification of the research environment.
Faculty members or research fellows of KU who are a female faculty member or researcher and who, at the time of application, have returned to research from an interruption due to maternity and parental leave taken within three years from the application and for longer than three months.
However, applicants who fall under any of the following cannot receive this support: (1) those who have received external funds (direct expenses) of a certain amount (6 million yen or more) in total per year as a principle investigator, at the time of application; and (2) those who have already received a research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
■Support amount: 500,000yen per person.(maximum amount)
■Number of people accepted: About 10 people per year
■Qualifying expenses: Expenses for equipment, supplies, personnel, travel, and incidental expenses
■Application guidebook and forms
▶Application guidebook | Application guidebook for FY2020Support for Women Returning from the Maternity and Parental Leave Program(PDF) |
▶Form 1 | Application form for FY2020 Support for Women Returning from the Maternity and Parental Leave Program(Word) |
▶Form 2 | Consent form for FY2020 Support for Women Returning from the Maternity and Parental Leave Program(Word) |
▶Form 3 | Report for FY2020 Support for Women Returning from the Maternity and Parental Leave Program(Word) |
■List of accepted applicants 【PDF】
Contact Information:
Planning Section, Research Planning Division,
Research and Industrial Collaboration Promotion Department E-mail: TEL: 092-802-2324 (Ext.: Ito Campus #90-2324)