For University Officials

Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is designed to nurture researchers who will lead the future of Japan by providing them with opportunities to devote themselves to outstanding young research and by offering research incentives.


Research Fellowship for Young Scientists of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is designed to nurture researchers who will lead the future of Japan by providing them with opportunities to devote themselves to outstanding young research and by offering research incentives. In addition to three categories (DC1, DC2, and PD) according to application qualifications, there are RPD category which supports a smooth return to the research field after a break in research due to childbirth or childcare, and CPD category which supports long-term research at overseas universities or other research institutions.

Employment Support Program for Young Researchers to Improve the Research Environment

Our university is registered as an Institution with Employment System under the ‘Employment Support Program for Young Researchers to Improve the Research Environment.’ For more details, please refer to the following link.

Information on Application Procedures

1. Application Guideline

Application guidelines and application forms are available on the JSPS website. Please make sure to check the latest version before applying.
Note: CPD is currently not accepting new applications.

2. Application Office(Issuance of ID and Password)

Requests for the issuance of IDs and passwords for the electronic application system and inquiries regarding application procedures should be directed to the office of the department to which the “post-adoption host researcher” listed on the application form belongs.

  • Only applicants whose institution of research as a special researcher is Kyushu University are eligible to apply through Kyushu University.(In the case of DC1 application, if you are a student at Kyushu University or a former student of Kyushu University at the time of application, you can apply from Kyushu University.)
  • For details on how to submit the application documents, please ask at the contact office below.

3. Notes on Application

  • Application documents must be submitted to JSPS on the electronic system.
  • When preparing application documents, please read carefully the Application Guidelines published by JSPS.
  • Please note that the deadline for applications at each department within the Kyushu University is set before the deadline stated in the JSPS application guidelines. For more information, please contact the each department above.

Support Program

The support program for the recruitment of JSPS researchers is available on campus only.

Information on Post-Hire Procedures

1. Compliance and Procedures

Special Research Fellows are obligated to devote themselves to research, and there are rules and regulations that must be followed.
In addition, if necessary, please follow the procedures to change your status or to change your researcher.
For details, please refer to the JSPS website.

2. Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows

JSPS Research Fellows are eligible to apply for the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows. Please pay attention to the notice from the JSPS and Kyushu University.

3. JSPS Support Program

JSPS has established various systems to support the balancing of research with life events such as childbirth and child-rearing.

Message from JSPS Reseacher

Messages from senior researchers who have been employed as a JSPS special researcher DC at Kyushu University are posted here. You will find advice for those who want to know more about the Fellowship and for those who are planning to apply for the Fellowship. We hope you will find this information useful as you consider your application and prepare your application.

Contact Information
  • Grant Support Section, Grant Support Office, Research and Industrial Collaboration Promotion Department

    • TEL +81-92-802-2327

    • FAX +81-92-802-2390

  • E-mail

    (Please change ★ to @ in the e-mail address.)